Sunday, November 8, 2009

theWay Service Launch!!

Although it was a bit surreal, theWay's first church service was last night and it was such a blessing to be a part of it! We are all so excited to see this thing that God is doing in Anderson!

Breaking up into small groups to discuss the topic addressed by Darby was so impacting and exciting. He spoke about the early church described in the end of Acts as well as the passage in Luke where it describes the greatest commandment. Both passages have had a big influence on the vision behind the strategy of theWay so it was really good to be able to dig into and digest them together. Since there were about 40 people there, we broke into three semi-large groups. Each group was pretty diverse in age and background so the discussion was super interesting . It was so cool to hear all the different thoughts and stories. Every person in the group I was in had something different to add. I left feeling uplifted and challenged. Our conversations kept circling around the fact that in order to really love God and love others as the passage in Luke describes it will take the devotion that the early church had. We talked about how that devotion takes a lot of trust because it often calls us to a place where we have to depend on God to provide what we need. Talking about this with others and hearing their stories reminded me of what a trustworthy God we have. He will always pull through and always provide! So, being completely devoted to loving Him and loving others with everything we have is really such a joy and honor.

Come join us next week!!! Our services are every Saturday at 7pm!!!!!!!

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