Friday, November 20, 2009

Food for thought from....

John 13:1

The Way... we serve the community

Today some of our team (and our kids) helped ACCA (Anderson/Cottonwood Christian Assistance) give out boxes of Thanksgiving foods at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Anderson. There were MANY different churches represented, really now, I mean lots. It was an honor to serve alongside them.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

theWay Service Launch!!

Although it was a bit surreal, theWay's first church service was last night and it was such a blessing to be a part of it! We are all so excited to see this thing that God is doing in Anderson!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Prepare the Way in South Shasta County

Come see what God is doing in south Shasta County... an adventure for the Lord... we will be chronicling the adventure here. More later...