Monday, February 7, 2011

Why Do I love The Way?

Prior to attending The Way, I was in love with my church. I loved the rock music; I loved the ambiance; I loved the pastor; I loved. I still love that church. I do.

It was at that church I was introduced to God’s present working within me. His persistent desire for me to be all the things that He knows me to be, but which I am too afraid to see or become.  It was there that the seed for MORE began to germinate.  It started to thirst and to hunger, and of course, my own flesh and desire couldn't satisfy.  While I could feel God moving me, guiding me, jesturing me toward His river, I continued to sit...

Another thing I loved about that church: my ability to blend into the dark room, sit in the back, and slip out without talking to a soul. Slip in, slip out… not quite like The Clapper, but just as easy.

You know what I “love” about The Way?

Darby noticed that I was still making coffee in the kitchen and asked when I’d be ready. He was waiting to start until I sat down.  I had no idea.

Now, considering how much I loved my anonymity in church #1, one would think that I would loathe this aspect. And, to be honest, when it happened I was kind of shocked, “why are you waiting on ME?” I’m not used to that, I’m used to the ol’ slip in late and sit in the back by the door. It worked throughout college…

But today Darby asked me to explain to a gal what makes The Way different from the big conglomeration churches that are so well known and popular. What is it about The Way that attracted me?

Little did he know how much I loved my other church.

Little does he know HOW MUCH MORE I love The Way.

And so this blog, is to describe to you WHAT, in my opinion, makes The Way different. If you have ever attended one of our gatherings, music nights, or service projects, your thoughts and reflections of The Way are very much WELCOME in our comment section.

Here is a list (continually in progress) of what I find so dear about this group of people:

• Their hearts for ministry, and their love for mission.

• Their genuineness. When they ask, “How are you?” they really mean it. They will even start out by remembering the way you answered last time. “Last week you weren’t feeling so hot, you look like you’re feeling better today. How’s it going?”

• They engage you in conversation.

• They respect your opinion; and if opinions differ there is freedom of discussion, and freedom to respectfully disagree without animosity (or an inherent need to prove rightness).

• They love you WHERE you are on your journey.

• They desire to meet people where they are, regardless of what that looks like.

• They are supportive, and they band together when one of us is in need.

• They are humble, and they walk their talk.

• I enjoy learning from Darby and from the rest of the group; and I love how they actively work to reflect God's word in the community.  I truly believe THIS factor HERE is the primary idea of what makes The Way so special to me.

*And really, these people are just all around FABULOUS. I am so grateful and honored to know them and walk along with them.  I like them!